The North Central Regional FPAN Center is always looking for a few reliable volunteers to assist in the office and/or help with public outreach events.
Office volunteers will be asked to assist with tasks such as completing the quarterly newsletter, updating Facebook and Twitter, writing blogs, helping with event planning and assisting with other similar tasks. An interest in and some basic knowledge of archaeology and /or history would be helpful, as would basic computer skills. Creativity and the ability to work independently are also a plus. Any necessary training can be provided and FPAN staff will be available to provide direction to volunteers. If you are interested in assisting with public outreach events (such as festival booths, tours, special events, etc) you must have a willingness to interact with the public in a respectful and positive way. An interest in and some basic knowledge of archaeology and/or history would be very helpful, as would the ability to speak to large groups. The ability to interact with children is also a plus, as is creativity and reliability. Many of these types of events take place on the weekends, so please take that into consideration.
If you are interested in learning more about these volunteer opportunities, please contact us at