
Mike Thomin, M.A.

Manager, Destination Archaeology Resource Center

Mike Thomin is the manager of the Florida Public Archaeology Network’s Destination Archaeology Resource Center and a Faculty Research Associate at the University of West Florida. Mike has a M.A. in history/public history and has spent over a decade working as a museum professional in public archaeology. He is a Certified Guide with the National Association for Interpretation, and has worked on a variety of heritage interpretative and heritage tourism projects across the state with local, state, federal, and international agencies. Most recently he is working on a multidisciplinary and collaborative project to designate the Florida Panhandle into a National Heritage Area. He also currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Trail of Florida Indian Heritage, on St. Michael’s Cemetery Foundation Inc. as Vice President, and the Panhandle Historic Preservation Alliance as Secretary. Mike has a passion for maritime history and is a certified computer nitrox/scientific diver. His research interests include public history, maritime history, maritime archaeology, public archaeology, museum studies, and heritage interpretation. His published articles have appeared in LegacyInterdisciplinary Journal of Maritime StudiesThe Museum Review, and the Journal of the American Revolution.