Presentations For Kids

FPAN can help facilitate speakers for meetings of your civic group, community organization, youth club, or heritage society, and for lecture series and special events.

We’re taking this opportunity to revamp and rethink our programming. The goal is to provide presentation topics that are more meaningful, relevant, and inclusive. Please excuse the dust as we throw out the old and bring in some new – reconstruction will take a bit of time. If you have an idea for a topic or know what you’re looking for, please feel free to request a speaker by clicking on the button above and submitting a form. Thank you for your patience. 


This activity introduces students to precontact culture, focusing on ways that local indigenous people used fire to meet their daily needs.

Precontact Pottery for Kids

Students learn about the advent of pottery in Florida, and do hands-on experimentation using play-doh or air-dry clay to explore pottery-making and decorating technology.

Student/Youth Archaeology Lab

Do you have a class or homeschool group of budding young archaeologists? Schedule a volunteer archaeology lab that is just for youth! Classes will learn all about how artifacts and other archaeological material get processed in the laboratory!